Why am I doing this?
Although the exact reasons that plyometrics works may still hold some mystery, it is a fact that the training brings results! Individuals can significantly improve jumping and sprinting ability by progressive jumping exercises.
Power is the combination of strength and speed. Power is essential in performing most sport skills. Not surprisingly then, specific exercises have long been designed to enhance quick, explosive movements.
Plyometrics is a unique training method for developing fast twitch muscle fiber and explosive power that is safe and effective for athletes of all ages when performed correctly with the supervision of a professional and implemented into an overall conditioning program that includes strength, speed, balance, aerobic and flexibility training.
Plyometric is a combination of Greek words that literally means to increase measurement (plio = more; metric = measure)
You are performing these drills to improve nerve-muscle reactions, explosiveness, jump, quickness and the ability to generate forces in certain directions.
Whether your objective is to Accelerate faster, Hit the ball harder, Move around the court more quickly, Jump higher or Throw farther, Plyometrics plays a primary role in linking strength and speed to develop sport-specific power!
Just a little science…I promise!
The underlying principle of plyometric training is the stretch-shortening cycle.
Very Simply…
As a muscle stretches and contracts eccentrically (lengthens) it produces elastic energy, which it can store. If the muscle then contracts concentrically (shortens) this elastic energy can be used to increase the force of the contraction.
The idea…
Muscles are like a spring, and the stretch loads the spring and lets it contract faster and more forcefully.
A good example is jumping…
If an athlete jumps vertically they will invariably dip down just before takeoff. Quickly lowering their center of gravity stretches the working muscle groups allowing them to contract more forcefully for the jump.
In essence…
A muscle that is stretched immediately before contracting, will contract much more forcefully and efficiently than one that is contracted from a relaxed position.
What role does plyometrics play in all of this?
Plyometric training places increased stretch loads on the working muscles. As the muscles become more tolerant to the increase loads, they become more efficient.
Bottom Line…
The muscle stores more elastic energy and can transfer from the lengthening phase to the shortening phase more rapidly.
This is key to generating peak power!
Placing the muscles under prestretch activates reflexive responses which cause the muscle to contract more powerfully. Training with a prestretch also conditions the neuromuscular system to allow faster and more powerful movements.
Press Releases
The Power of Plyometrics. An exercise program developed in the Soviet Union to train Olympic athletes is the hottest trend in sports training for South Bay teams. PRIME ATHLETES can help you power up your athletic performance. Click to read article
Don’t tell him this is a young man’s game…A competitive game by leaps and bouds. Building power and strength can buy more playing time for almost any athlete. But volleyball’s most decorated veteran, 44-year old Karch Kiraly, takes that concept to a new level. Click to read article LA Times Health